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Letter from the Editor

Kathy Schwartz, Editor

Summer is always an exciting time at Ouabache State Park. The camping season is in full swing, and Mother Nature is putting on her best clothes to impress her visitors.

Lake Kunkle is alive with boaters, fishermen and swimmers, each finding reasons why they are here at Ouabache. The beach is a great place to catch a few rays, and the piers are a great place to toss your line in the water. A walk around the lake provides a serene look at the peaceful calming effect that water has on the soul.

The trails offer challenges to hikers and an opportunity to see up close the wonders of nature. It can be a long vigorous hike or a short loop through the forest, but no matter the length the reward is worth the effort. Parents pass on the love of nature to their children, and thus, the future of Ouabache is guaranteed.

The campground offers another glance at man’s need to connect with nature. The smell of flaming campfires is mingled with the aroma of sizzling steaks. Sounds of laughter and merriment float through the air. Kids meet other kids and quickly become biking buddies and summer adventurers.

The picnic grounds offer a gathering place for families bringing in samples of recipes handed down from generations past. Memories made are not to be forgotten on those long dark winter nights. Traditions are formed and recorded by snapshots taken at the base of the fire tower.

As the sun sets in the west, day visitors bid farewell to a day that brought them to the treasure we call Ouabache and the night visitors begin their dutiful watch over the forest.

All this is yours to enjoy, but it is also your responsibility to cherish the memories and work to maintain and preserve all that is Ouabache. It is a treasure to behold and to hold close to your heart.

Kathy Schwartz is a past president of the Friends of Ouabache State Park and a board member. She was recently recognized by the Indiana DNR for her service to the park.

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