Junior/Teen Indiana Master Naturalist Camp set for summer
Ouabache State Park and Friends of Ouabache State Park will offer Junior/Teen Naturalist Day Camp on June 10 -14.
Kids ages 8 to 15 who want to learn more about nature and then share their knowledge with others can attend the Junior/Teen Indiana Master Naturalist Day Camp. The day camp runs from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday.
The standard park entrance fee will be waived for students attending the camp.
The Junior/Teen Indiana Master Naturalist Program provides youth with hands-on opportunities to learn about Indiana’s plants, water, soil and wildlife in an outdoor setting from natural resource specialists. It also provides a way to discover environmental stewardship through volunteer service.
The fee is $80 per student, $70 for each additional sibling. Students must register by May 20. There is a limited number of slots available, so register early.
To register contact Jodie Houston, DNR Division of State Parks volunteer coordinator, at jheaston@dnr.IN.gov or 463-203-6562, or visit stateparks.IN.gov/2975.htm